Meeker Classic Sheepdog Championship Trials
Events & EntertainmentNon Profit & Community Organizations
Sept 7-11, 2022
Driving Directions:
Trial Site borders west edge of Meeker, Colorado. Enter through the main gate at west end of Main Street. Meeker is on CO Hwy 13, 40 miles from Rifle, CO and 49 miles from Craig, CO
About Us
Come celebrate Meeker's Unique Culture!!!! 140 dogs and their handlers compete for 5 days in what is known as one of the world's toughest sheepdog competitions. Intertwines sheepdog trials, education, entertainment, culture and trade. Artisan Craft & Food Festival, International Art Contest, Show & Auction, Lamb Cook-off, Leatherwork, Dutchoven, Spinning & Weaving Demonstrations, Flyball & Agility Demonstrations, Working Border Collie Demos & Seminars, Celtic Musicians, Story telling & Bagpipers - Fund for the whole family. The 2022 trials will be September 7-11 - Join us as we celebrate our 35th Year.
Video Media
- Sheepdog Trails
- Demonstrations
- Educational
- Poster Art Contest
- Lamb Festival



